Codex Deano

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Motivation

Well it's Friday once again and I'm counting the hours, minutes and seconds until I can walk ever so briskly out the of my cubicle, down three flights of stairs, out the lobby, through the parking lot, creep across downtown Concord, merge onto I 93 and dive 40 minutes to get relax.  By relax I mean do the kid's dishes, fold some laundry, cut the lawn, fix three broken screens, maybe stain the back deck and write my next speech for my Speechcrafters class.

It's Friday so I'm just going to dream a little.

Hmmmmmmmmm, if you hit the lottery, what are the first three purchases you would make?

Here's mine:

I'd upgrade my 9 year old car to one of these...
and I'd update my 15 year old kayak to one of these...

and I'd probably move someplace like this...

In fact, if I try really hard, I can see it in my head...

Ah, thank you Friday for another dream to help get me through the afternoon.

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